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digitale beraterplattform

Digital Consulting 

consultingsearcher is Cardea's digital platform and marketplace for management consultancies and consulting experts. It allows quick and easy searches and detailed screening of the best consultancies and consulting experts on all conceivable project requirements or topics.

How we can support you

consultingsearcher is the professional platform and marketplace that brings companies together with the best consulting companies, consultants and experts.

Our Services

Reliable consultant selection:
digital, simple, fast


Find consultants & professionals

Find the best consultant for you, your needs and requirements from our extensive pool of pre-qualified consulting companies. Simple – fast – reliable.


Let us search consultants for you

Tenders made easy: Create a precise project description in just a few steps using our “Post a Project” tool. Our experts will then help you identify one or more suitable consulting companies and experts for your needs.

in drei schritten zur perfekten unternehmensberatung

Highest quality, efficiency and security for your consulting needs

3 steps to the perfect consulting company

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